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N Disclaimer

Never be erased♥

♥Copyrighted 2007
http:/ lil-clarenceblinkblink.blogspot.com/
Welcome :D

All Rights Reserved © Original
100% Copyrighted 2007 Blanche '♥

.Friday, January 23 ' 1/23/2009 03:44:00 PM Y

My top 10 favourite music videos!!!











There are some videos which are unable to paste it on my webpage because they do not have any embedding codes. Sorry about the inconvenience caused.. Try to see it by opening another window haha thanks!!! xD



Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, January 16 ' 1/16/2009 01:03:00 AM Y

What???? What am I suppose to do?

My heart was palpitating at a breakneck speed on Monday, 2.15pm in the school hall. Mr Ng was jabbering rubbish up on the stage and we below were feeling the excitement and intensity already! The results were announced shortly after for the Normal Academic students andunfortunately, this year's badge didn't do as well as last year's. Pretty sad actually. Luckily, our Secondary 4 badge did well and better than last year's badge!!!! What a relief! Anyway TOP 10 for 6 DISTINCTIONS was announced later on and I was up on the board at the 9th position!! Wtf! Didn't expect that coming at all!!!! I was like inundated with felicitations and congrats from my classmates and I was overwhelmed by the fact that I could actually score 6 A's!!!!! Jasmine was the top and she decided to go to poly haha, a bit wasted for her sia! Samuel was second HAHAHAHAHA!


L1R5 - 11
L1R4 - 9

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, January 8 ' 1/08/2009 04:04:00 AM Y

O Level Results are going to be released soon!!!!

Oh my god time flew so fast that in a few days time, the O level results are going to be released to all the secondary 4 students islandwide and also to the private students too!!! Argh on the 12 January, Monday, the worst and dreadful day of my life, I need to return to school for that. Hope that everything goes well and that my future will be able to glorify. Meet in school foyer at 2pm to get back results...

Here is the evidence,

My dream marks for all subjects!!
English - B4
Chinese - A2
Elementary Mathematics - A2
Additional Mathematics - A1
Combine Science - A1
Combine Humanities - C5
Pure Geography - B4

L1R5 - 14
L1R4 - 10

I really hope that I can achieve what I expect for the marks for the specific subjects.... xD Monday = D. Day


Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, January 3 ' 1/03/2009 03:03:00 AM Y

Buffet with Haena my tutor~~~

Hihi everyone m back to blogging again! Anyway, today went out with Haena, Jassmen, Jiaxun, Kelly and Novena to Novina to eat buffet. Price was pretty reasonable.. ($18.90 per person) luckily we need not have to queue up to wait for seats as we manage to reach the place early. grabbed 6 seats near the path way and then paid the money first. Went to grab food later on and started eating voraciously. I took prawns, sushi, tofu, chocolate fondue, and many many more! We ate from 6.30pm till approximately 9pm haha!!!! Spent time chatting and catching up with the others too. Heard that Jiaxun has managed to open up a company of his own and even has his own place/position in his university liao... T.T Place got crowded eventually by about dusk and throngs of people were queuing outside the restaurant waiting to get their seats. haha who cares about them anyway didn't bother them much! xD

We had complimentary prawns and crabs for ourselves but due to the fact that none of us likes the crabs, we decided to take only the praawns and they are all live prawns ok! We had difficulty figuring how to put the prawns inside the wok and then Haena came up the idea of holding the feelers with our bare hands and then just throw it inside the wok!!! Walao what a fantastic idea... Novena and Haena screamed when the prawns kicked and jumped around until it eventually jumped into Haena's cup of drink!!!! Hahahaha she shouted and changed a new one luh! After some arduous time grabbing the feelers, all the prawns had been sent to Haeven and we heaved a sigh of relief haha!!! Anyway here are some pictures regarding the buffet!!! Have a pleasant time looking!!! xD








Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, December 24 ' 12/24/2008 02:02:00 AM Y

Lalalalala I am back haha!

Hihi everyone i am back to blogging liao sorry about not posting for the past few like 10 months because its O levels so i have to concentrate on my studies more! Anyway, feels great to be back though no one has yet to tag my blog haha! Was sick today actually with high fever, severe migraine and coughing!!! Woke up at 7am this morning because of my coguh and flu! My body ache like hell for the whole day till i have to practically lie on my bed for the whole day except dinner time. my mum fed me 2 panadol pills and fever pills not long before i slept, the headache was gone and my temperature had gone down! Whoo feels great to recover. Will update more the next day wheee~~~~~~

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, February 2 ' 2/02/2008 12:39:00 AM Y

Nothing much actually...

Hihi everyone! back to blogging again sorry that i have not been blogging for the past few weeks as lots of things happened and numerous tests came along on almost everyeday sp, therefore i did not have the time to update hahaz only for now! Anyway got back my Chemistry reassessment paper and guess what, i scored 47.5 out of 97.... diiao! convert to 100 and that would be 48... zzzzz stil failed! But then what made me felt happy was that i scored the highest for Multiple Choice Questions; i got 21 out of 30 wakakakaka!!! but failed badly for Section B hahaz who cares anyway... my mind is set and i will be dropping to combined Science and that's it!

People who dropped to Combined Science
Xin Yi
Wei Lin
Sam and more...

Hahaz see so many people in my class are dropping to combined science that shows that not all my friends in 4E4 are cut out for Pure subjects man!!!!

Hahaz anyway felt sad that she did not reply to my message on Wednesday night.... haiiz got her lesson today and she never talk to me or even looked at me.. its ok... teachers are all like that

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, January 18 ' 1/18/2008 12:01:00 AM Y

What the hell no differece at all!

Argh today was a hectic day for me man... chemistry reassessment today at class 4N2, 2pm. Didn't actually study for it thoroughly. I merely flipped through the pages and wrote down some notes on a piece of paper thats all... 2pm reached and then went into the class with the invigilator called Mdm Tan, zzzzz a blur sotong. took attendance and then gave out the papers. Apparently, I sat with Rene and Jessica hahaz planned to copy when teacher did not notice. Started to write down vmy name and flipped to the first page of the paper. Questions were easy at first but as i flipped through the pages, the questions got harder and harder eventually, frankly speaking, the paper was easier than the final year one but despite that, i still can't solve some questions... find myself useless actually. finished the paper on time and then handed it up to the blur sotong. went off straight after that and discussed the answers. zzzzz haiiz not planning to study for physics too. wishing to drop to the combine stream and then that will be easier for me... let nature takes it course!!!!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, January 17 ' 1/17/2008 12:51:00 AM Y

I am afraid...

Hi everyone back to blogging again... i am really really scare and dread to reach tomorrow. I will be having Chemistry reassessment tomorrow... haiiz i didn't actually study thoroughly s in cpoying down notes or try to understand the concepts and stuff... haiiz i hope that i can fail then drop to combine... can't resist the temptation to drop to combine then at least can get well in that subject. anyway blog till here nothing else to blog already. Let nature takes its course ba...

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, January 14 ' 1/14/2008 12:38:00 AM Y

So happy!!!!! xD

I am so happy today la. there was once i walked pass a Newbie Shop and then a jacket caught my attention. My eyes immediately set upon the jacket which is black in colour with the word'Newbielogy' at the back! Omg it was so nice and also the price was also 'nice' lor!!! It was $59.90 hahaz 'nice' right!!! Anyway went to junction 8 today with my mum to buy school shoes as mine were torn and tattered already and so it was time to get a new pair! I walked pass the Newbie shop again but this time i coax my mum to buy it and tell her that it was limited edition, etc. apprently she refused to listen to me and so we went to the shoe shop first. My mood was seriously dampened buy her words already and so i showed her an unhappy face all the way until she gave up and agreed to buy it for me hahaz!!! What a good tactic man!!!! We went to the shop and i chose the jacket... the lady added that if we purchased items more than $50, we can register the member card for free and also if we manage to purchase above $100, then we can obtain a free t-shirt!!! Omg my mum agreed and then we took like 30 minutes picking and choosing and wefinally set our decision on a pair of trousers, a t-shirt and also the jacket and not to forget, the free t-shirt. I am so happy!!!!!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, January 12 ' 1/12/2008 11:32:00 PM Y

So many things happened today!!!!

Hihi everyone!!!! I'm back again into blogging sorry everyone for not blogging the past few days or even weeks!!! Hahaz apparently, my computer had been taken to my new home the past few days so i can't use the computer... and so this led me for not blogging... anyway today was the CCA Recruitment Drive day, in other words, CCA Open House hahaz! Stayed back yesterday till about 6.30pm and then left the hall and went home.. Helped Ms Tan yesterday for the open hosue thing which was held at the school hall today from 8am to 2pm. hahaz lots of people manged to turn up and made theirselves useful eventually but there were some exceptions to that hahaz like Jeremy, who is useless everytime actually hahaz anyway back to the subject we done everytime that we could like printing out posters, helping out to cut papers, tie up the goodie bags, folded paper box, arranging the props and many many more!!!! Ms Tan fired up apparently when i told her that the guy in the computer, who was in charge of gathering all the photos from all cca's and maing it into a movie clip, that he refused to accept the photos that i had given to him to make the movie clip. She went up to the computer laboratory with me and Xin Hui and then consulted the guy. Eventually the guy gave way to her and he agreed to use the photos that i had given to him earlier on... zzzzz!!!

Proceeded down again and ordered all the juniors and seniors to paste all the posters on the toilet doors, stairways, etc. Apparently i sat on the chair with Xin Hui and decided not to do anything but slack hahaz!!! She went off about 5.30pm and i left off too shortly after.

Today was the CCA Open House and then many parents came into the hall about 8.50am and sat on the chairs which were arranged by Mr Peter Lee and the staff. I reached about 7.30am and Xin Hui, Shuling and many more were already sitting at our booth waiting for Ms Tan to call the shots. We packed our stuff and then i got changed into my Price Charming suit wakaka with Ruthra, Lauren and Sydney. After that, we had performances brought to the parents of the secondary 1's and also themselves like the boys brigade dance and wushu performances. Can't go into the hall when the performances were going on and so we went down to the canteen and slacked and talked crap. Apprently we went up to te BeeHive and sat down and started to gossiped about teachers in the school hahaz typical Singaporeans la can't be blamed! We Went down to the after when 10.30am struck on our watch and then the CCA Open House was officially opened!! We rushed everywhere to snatch parents and pupils into joining our cca! Hahaz how wicked we were! I did nothing at all and i just sat down on the chair looking at the bewildered look on the parents who were at our booth hahaz!! The whole event ended at about 1.30pm and then its time for us to pack up. Eventually Ms Tan couldn;t find the key to the storeroom and so she fired up again... screamed and shouted and yelled at us.. She told us off and told us to be more vigilant and resposible in keeping items and not placing them on the table and leave them lying around.. and also added that the attendance book went missing again for the second time already and immediately everyone turned and looked at me!! What The Hell la doesn't mean that i am the attendance taker and if the book went missing its my fault!!!! I was so pissed and angry la! After Ms Tan had released us, i waited for Aini, Barry and Vanessa to go home together. While waiting Vanessa came up to me and asked me, 'CLARENCE AH, YOU LOST THE ATTENDANCE BOOK IS IT?' I told her off right at her face and said i didn't.


Went home myself eventually and then started to move all things into my home! MY HOUSE IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED HOME!!!!! my home went through an extreme makeover and she looks beautiful man!!!! hahaz so busy today la!!!!

This is the new toilet.. hahaz black anf white!!

This is the bathroom!!!

This is the dining room!!!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, January 5 ' 1/05/2008 12:13:00 AM Y

Third day in school

Haiiz spending the third day in school already still do not know any of the secondary 1's pupils hahaz... as usual.. listened teachers crapping in class almost dozed off when history lesson was up next.. did not bring my history textbook and also the file.. luckily she did not realise and so i had a near escape... hahaz after that was chemistry lesson and shyt i forgot to bring my chemistry tys and again i had a near escape hahaz she did not realise! Wheee!!! Must complete page 8(7) to 8(11) hahaz... manage to see the questions from jassmen's tys.. and then manage to complete some of the questions there! After that was recess and so ran down to have my recess and ate economic rice... went up 25 minutes later and lesson up next was chinese... apparently, Ms Hoe was in camp and so Mrs Lu and Mr Hamzah came in to take over and then they told us to do our own stuff and not contributing to noise pollution...

Argh.... went to sit beside Vanessa and then started to do our radio thingy.. apprently we have to come up with a script for ourselves so on friday next week, we will have to be in the general office and then will be DJs for that day. diiao its s difficult to come up with own conversation and stuff without inspirations!!!! Argh! despite that we still manage to complete about half a page so far full of words... haahz the worst has yet to come!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, January 3 ' 1/03/2008 12:03:00 AM Y

Argh school reopens already...

Anyway got some things to clear up... i will not be using the computer that often anymore as firstly o levels is just round the corner and so have to buck up and pull up my socks on subjects that are weak... secondly, i am still living at my sister's home and so the curfew is still going on so i can't use the computer frequently..

Anyway woke up early today at Zhihao's house as my mum decided to place me at his home so that travelling will be easier for me. Dragged myself to the bathroom, took a bath and then put on my new uniform. tried it on and then it was too big for me. Felt uncomfortable at first but after some time, the itchiness subsided and then felt comfortable again... came out of the bathroom and then got criticised immediately by zhihao that my shirt was too big for me, pants were a bit short and looking like a nerd and etc. PLEASE IF YOU DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO CRITICISE YOU AND SAY THINGS THAT YOU DISLIKE THEN STOP CRITICISING OTHERS FIRST. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!

Went to school and then lots of new faces appeared and then i went up straight to the hall but the door was locked. so i went down to the canteen and sat down with Siqi and apparently with Kersim too. Chat for awhile and then saw Sydney sitting with haena and novina... gestured her to join us and then she came and joined in the conversation hahaz. 7.15am reached and the nwe proceeded up to the hall. sat down and everyone felt so tensed as we wanted to know who our form teacher will be for 2008. guess what our form teacher is MR WONG REN!!!! Wth la okok~ i have no comments.. don't wish to say anything or discriminate.... Ms Fauziah started her presentation about disciplinary actions and school rules and bla bla bla!!! Almost dozed off in the midst of her speech...

Went up to our classroom and surprisingly, we are still using the same old class as last year! Hehex! Mr Wong came in and sarted to introduce himself and stuff, setting our goals and target settings, etc. He distributed out the time tble for the first half of the year and then guess what! THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF EVERY WEEK WILL END LESSON AT 3PM!!!! FCUK AND IF THERE IS LSP, THEN LESSONS WILL END AT 4PM! ARGH! Felt really uneasy when i saw that and there was a commotion at the back of the class concerning the timing of dismissal... argh can't help we are sec4's so we have to have extra lessons to finish up syllabus ma...

And also, Mr Wong talked about the monitor stuff and election for new monitor and other ranks too. Apparently, no one voted me hahaz and anyway i am tired of being monitor already. I am not doing so well in my studies anyway and so i can spend more time on my studies in this way... apparently, sydney got voted again to be the monitor again for 2 years already hahahz good luck man! All balto!!!!

Our PE teacher will be Mr Chan Meng Fai not Mr Peter Lee anymore hahaz miss him actually.... and also our social studies's teacher will be Mr Letitia Tan!!!! OMG! I will sure pass my social studies with flying colours man!!!'
Hope that things will get better after changing teachers... haiiz will be blogging during the weekends now cya everyone tag as much as possible man!!! xD

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, December 29 ' 12/29/2007 01:34:00 AM Y


Haiiz! its already 29 of December and my homework has yet to be touched... argh preparing to mug hard after tuition later at about 3pm and then mug till about midnight.. the next day i will start doing physics tys and also the project hahaz! For chinese i dun give a damn so that can take time. hehex! Went to daryll's house to stay overnight hahaz enjoyed myself there and slept at 2am in the morning hahaz! Woke up at about 9am and then slacked till 1pm. he had to go for work and so we went out together and he took 82 to hougang mall to work and i took 88 back to toa payoh... miss him much! hahaz! *** * **** ***!!!!!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, December 26 ' 12/26/2007 02:12:00 AM Y


Omg!!! I have not been updating since 12 of december thats like a week ago!!! hahaz actually been sick for sometime thats why i did not have the time to blog and also to log on to msn... Anyway merry belated christmas to everyone... diiao hahaz.. went to Aunt Helen house yesterday on christmas eve to have dinner. it was sort of a steamboat dinner but the only thing that was different was that no soup was needed. onli the wok and raw food were needed... was the last one to be up at her house and so everyone had their fill already. i ate along with Aunt Helen and Ken Siew by my side chatting with me to keep me occupied and company... hahaz felt so blissed! Ate finished everything except the prawns and tofu. Rested awhile on the couch and then Chiew Ping jie wanted to play Tyti (Poker Card) and so Steven kor taught us how to and then we got the ball rolling later on. Won 3 rounds and i was the biggest winner hahaz but unfortunately didn't bet any money on it or else i will have earn some pennies! Went back home after that...

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Wednesday, December 19 ' 12/19/2007 02:08:00 PM Y

Not feeling well... argh.

Hahaz back into blogging again! Anyway felt sick and lethargic yesterday and so went to bed early and slept early. woke up in the afternoon today at 12.30pm and drank lots of water and ate medicine... hope that i will recover as soon as possible!!! argh... coughing and sneezing like hell!!!

Clarelicious rocks man!!!!<'3
Rock rock rock :D

N Whisper-ed '

Clarelicious ♥

N Site Master '

This is me ♥

Clarence :D
*(Age 15) (Height 175cm) (Weight 46kg)
*Someone who is always lost in his pace
*Currently studying in Beatty Secondary school!!
*From Pei Chun Public School when young! lol
*Birthday is on 8 May 1992
*Zodiac is Monkey and horoscope is Taurus moo moo!!
*Currently living in Toa Payoh near Beatty Secondary school in the vicinity!
*Still single! whoopppss~~~
*Hates: liars, backstabbers, bootlicker, act cool people, people who procrastinate, proud and selfish
*Loves: Family, relatives, best of best friends, 6G classmates, humble people, caring people, people who i can share my woes with, teachers too especially ** ****!!!
***Wanna know more, add me in msn clarencekow@hotmail.com***

N Cravings '

My Wish List ♥

1. Achieving better results in all upcoming exams and O levels too!- Physics and Chemistry = "B"
2. Buying a new desktop
3. Having my own cosy room and also must have a TV set, a radio, computer, wardrobe of my own!!<
4. Having a PSP (White)
5. Dropping to COMBINE Science (Physics and Chemistry)
6. Fun laughter peace and joy to everyone
7. Knowing more friends and peeps out there. ( No restriction to gender wise..)
8. Grow fatter and be out of the category ' Severely Underweight!!!' Aiming to grow to 55kg

October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
December 2008
January 2009

N Fly Aways '

N Entertainment '

Listen up ♥

Your music codes here :]
Imeem , Iwebmusic ? :DD

N Credits '

Arigatou ♥

Designer : blend-ed.notes♥
Codings : xx .
Image : Paint, xxx
Cursors : x